Wessex Grounds Services complete a new playground project for a school in Dorset complete with climbing frame, shade and the correct surface.

Is Your Playground Safe?

We understand that budgets for schools, parish councils and other similar bodies are constantly being cut however, you can’t afford to neglect your playgrounds and equipment. The last thing that you want is to be slapped with a negligence claim or worse

If you own or are responsible for a playground then you need to ensure that you are adhering to the Playground Safety Standards EN1176. It is your responsibility to keep up to date with all of their revisions.

The Playground Safety Standards EN1176 includes everything from types of chains, space, length of slides and inclines through to floor surfaces and minimum falling space.

Please be sure that your facilities are fit for purpose and age-appropriate. Remember your facilities should be an area where children can exercise, be stimulated and play safely. Children need places to play and children also need to challenged in order to help increase their learning and stretching their capabilities. There will always a degree of potential danger but ensuring that you are ensuring regular checks, doing maintenance and have purchased the correct equipment, placed it properly and have the correct flooring then you should have covered yourselves.

Here at Wessex Grounds Services, we can plan & design, provide, build, inspect and repair playgrounds and equipment for EYFS, Primary, Secondary and Send schools with our qualified team.

Whether you need an inspection/repair or a whole new playground then please contact us via email – enquiries@wessexgroundsservices.co.uk

“Play is great for children’s well-being and development. When planning and providing play opportunities, the goal is not to eliminate risk, but to weigh up the risks and benefits. No child will learn about risk if they are wrapped in cotton wool.” HSE 2012 Children’s Play and Leisure

Please see just a few images of some of our playground installations. Please remember that we do also install shades.